A young Asian child with short black hair wearing a red barrette. She places a slip of white paper in a mason jar full of other white slips of paper.

3 Anti-Bias Lessons for Korean American Day


Today is Korean American Day, a day to celebrate Korean identity, culture, and tradition; learn about Korean American history; and support Korean American creators, stories, and businesses.

These three AmazeWorks anti-bias lessons depict affirming and meaningful Korean American characters and stories. While these lessons are from our grade-level curriculum guides, children and adults across all ages can experience identity affirmation, foster intentional conversations, and learn new perspectives from these stories.

Celebrate Korean American Day with children’s literature!

1. Cooper’s Lesson by Sun Yung Shin

2. Bee-bim Bop! by Linda Sue Park

3. The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi

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