Two caregivers smiling on either side of their child who holds a copy of The Rock in My Throat

The Rock in My Throat: Anti-Bias Lesson for Educators and Caregivers


This AmazeWorks anti-bias lesson on The Rock in My Throat contains reflection and discussion questions, journal prompts, extension activities, and more. This true story – written by Kao Kalia Yang and illustrated by Jiemei Lin – is about a young girl who shares her experiences as a Hmong refugee. While this is about a difficult time in her life, listen and look for signs of love and hope throughout the story. This lesson is recommended for educators and caregivers of children 7 and up, but people of all ages and identities can benefit from its teachings.

Please enjoy the lesson below:

AmazeWorks Anti-Bias Education Model

AmazeWorks Elementary Curriculum is centered around our Anti-Bias Education model, developed from the work of Louise Derman-Sparks and Julie Olsen Edwards in early childhood, to champion belonging for all.

Anti-Bias Education (ABE) promotes:

  • Empathy and understanding for self and others
  • Healthy and complex identity development
  • Respect across and appreciation of differences
  • The ability to notice, name, and reject bias
  • Responsiveness and taking action against bias, prejudice, and discrimination

Infused within Anti-Bias Education is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). When children engage in discussions around identity, difference, and bias, they are developing and practicing the important SEL skills of:

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship skills
  • Responsible decision-making

We believe this model brings belonging to life for children and adults of all identities and lived experiences. For more anti-bias lessons and resources, visit our blog and our online store.

Click here to purchase a copy of The Rock in My Throat.

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